I am a Sudanese but I live in Lagos. The Yoruba people are the most respectful people I have ever lived with
- Never try to shake an elderly person first, unless an elderly person puts his/ her hand forward to shake you first
- Do not use your left hand at all, as it is considered unclean. Do not eat with it, do not give or receive a present or objects with it. Using the right hand only or both hands.
- Do not rush a greeting without inquiring about the other person’s general well-being, which is considered extremely rude.
- Do not step on anyone’s toes.
- Do not show indifferent facial expression which indicates ignorant or obnoxious. Nigerians prefer facial expressions that imply empathy and believe an expression.
- Do not keep constant and direct eye contact, which can be seen as being intrusive.
- Never try to hit a man with a broom because it is a taboo.
- Always try to assist elderly people whenever they are carrying something heavy.
- Greet every time.
- Whenever you are eating with an elderly person be patient enough till when the elderly person takes out of the meat, fish e.t.c before you take out of it. If you are sitting down you may have to stand up for an elder.
- Wherever you go people are culturally obliged to you to offer you food and other services. But you show not take advantage of the culture and it is better you refuse the offer unless the person is your close friend.
Note: Yoruba tribe still has sub tribes so the answer above is just a general answer for all Yorubas but sub tribes also have their dos and don't so careful.
By: Muhammad Alfatih
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