If you don't have the time to read the post, don't just read the headline and jump to comment pls, you might have missed points that would have rendered your comment unnecessary. Thanks.


After making a humorous prayer for hardened supporters of Mr. President yesterday, the responses I got were quite shocking and I felt, in the interest of many unaware youths and that of innocent Nigeria, it's expedient I find time to write this article.

Let it be on records, that during 2015 general elections, I lead quite a number of campaign groups for PMB, many of us saw PMB as a perfect answer to the yearnings of an average Nigerian, we had so much confidence in his antecedent and we supported him to make a CHANGE we've all dreamt.

The evidence is also here on Facebook when myself and many other supporters of Mr. President stood firmly by him after 100days in office, the article I wrote is still here on facebook for records.

Why do I start with this introduction? So that many who felt they love PMB more than we do will know that we loved him more, we only love Nigeria much more...


If I ever want to be selfish, I will never say anything about this Government because sincerely, I'm not affected, as a hardworking young man, I don't wait for any government, I take absolute responsibility for my life. As a matter of fact, I've increased in material possessions with the expansion of our company branches even when the said recession was at its peak.

But I don't want to be selfish because I feel the pains of an average man, I see people losing their jobs, I see hardship in people trying to provide shelter for their families because of the increase in prices of commodities, I see insecurity and restlessness in less privileged communities, and as a leader in my little way, I know what's expected of a good leader.

To those saying Buhari till they die, can you mention personal achievements you've had under his administration? Will you say same if your relatives had been affected by the herdsmen's attack? Can you say same if you've lost your job? That's rhetoric though.

To those who have said Amen to the prayer that I made, when I said you should say Amen if you want God to handle your life the way the PMB has handled Nigeria, this is practically what you've said Amen to, the more reason I said I rebook the amen for all of us, I know it's in our different perspectives.


Delay has typified this Government from the first year in office.

Appointment of Ministers was delayed, and eventually, some of them were square pegs in a round hole because, even as at the time of their screening, they had no idea what portfolio they will be operating, the worst black market appointment in history. Quite funny you go for an interview you have no idea the job description! What a drama!

This alone contributes immensely to the fundamental failure of this administration.

I'm sure we are all aware of-budget paddling and delay in budget presentation too...


One of the things I hate to hear is that the mess created by the past administration is much, this is quite the worst justification for failure.

This mess had been identified before assumption of office, so, reiterating/over-flogging it is great evidence of cluelessness. The elders would say, a problem identified is half solved. But in this case, it's half multiplied ni o, as that's what we get to hear every time... Shifting blames!!

They promised $1=#1 and today, we are still paying hugely for dollars more than ever.

They promised an expansion of power supply

They promised a reduction In fuel price, but today, we are buying fuel at almost double the price they get it.. #85 to #143/5.


I watched an interview with Mr. President before the 2015 general elections, he was asked about BokoHaram and he said what's BokoHaram, that the government allowed them to grow wings.

But today, we don't just have BH, Fulani herdsmen have joined, they've killed more people in this Government than ever, they've brought more attacks on people and communities than ever.


Yes, this was one of the strongest reasons many of us voted PMB, he's undoubtedly a man of integrity, we knew our greatest problem in this country is corruption, and once it's wiped off, we will be able to move forward.

But when Mr. President started too, we realized it was selective and political, the most evident one being the removal of Obanikoro name for the big shot list of corruption after he joined APC, despite the indisputable evidence...

Check Transparency Internal report about Nigeria too, Nigeria dropped from 136th in 2016 to 148th position in 2017, out of 180 countries. The best and least corrupt takes the first position. So, how has a fight against corruption been effective?


Many lost their jobs, I've got friends who were victims and still struggling to balance up till today, we are paying more for foodstuffs and accommodation now than ever before, without accompanying salary increment to alleviate the suffering.


1. This post understands the fact that we are all adults and have freedom of choice of candidate, I can't tell you who to vote, I can only tell you to check your conscience deeply to see if PMB should be advised to continue against all odds.

2. I acknowledge the fact that PMB has his achievements in his ways too, but the achievements are insignificant compared to the magnitude of these few points enlisted.

Sadly, the bitter truth is, we may vote PMB again if there's no better alternative, but most importantly, I want this post to achieve one thing...


Let's have an open mind to receive a reasonable alternative, closing our mind and being rigid about PMB as if he's the only living options is not too good for us.u.

Till today, I still love Mr. President as a father, but the truth is, Baba is physically and intellectually unfit for the challenges on the ground in this country... This is the digital age, no longer analog. Our fathers would say, it's the dog of nowadays that could catch the rabbit of nowadays. If you think I didn't put it right, na you sabi o.

God bless Nigeria

God bless You and me.


Author's profile Semiu Aloyinlapa

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