Quite unfortunate and disheartened whenever you figure out that the person you think you're in a relationship with isn't really into you. Although they might claim they love you and try to convince you with mere words in the actual sense, action speaks louder than mere words. Love isn't enough to energize relationship but it should be prioritized and other things follow. Love is like a fart, if you have to force it, it is probably shit (funny right? But that's the truth). In a situation whereby you never stop doubting your partner, you'd never felt love for once, trying to figure out if your partner is right for you or not.

In your state of dilemma, take a deep breath, look out for those signs and deal with them right away.

1. Lack of Trust and Respect:

All successful relationships that last over time with love and passion in abundance, have two support pillars; trust and respect. If your partner is lacking this two fantastic relationship building blocks features, it's a surefire s/he isn't right for you. Do not force it. Once trust and respect are lost, the relationship is gone too.

2. You Usually Feel Drained and Depleted:

In a relationship where you don't feel an overall sense of happiness and peace but rather feel drained, depleted, used, depressed and a whole lot of negative vibes, you need to rethink. It's a sure sign your partner isn't right for you. The relationship is meant to be enjoyed. You should always feel good, love spending time with your partner and feel secure with them. Naturally, no relationship is perfect but if your partner isn't right for you they genuinely put up a show.

3. You Don't See Longtime Potential or Rather You Can't Imagine a Future with them:

A relationship requires effort and time to build a long lasting relationship. A partner that doesn't talk about the future together with you in it, not always excited about your success and goals in life, always hold you back and you can't even imagine a future with them, it's high time you moved on, that kind of partner is a time waster.

4. Value:

If the degree of importance you both give to something is different, you always want different things in life and you both can't compromise, it's a huge sign that you aren't meant for each other. Ask yourself: Do we have mutual interests, belief, enjoy doing things together? If the answer is a 'No' or you are stuck between yes and no, then you may be on the wrong track of relationship.


Good communication is an essential part of the healthy relationship. In a situation whereby communication sucks in your relationship or rather your communication causes hurt, anger, resentment, fight and confusion all the time...hmmmm...watch!!!

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