MISSING SIGHT By Akinlabi Ololade

*Missing Sight*

Suddenly we lost our sights
Our light now our night
All day long darkness is what we can see
Our children are no longer imageries in our retina
To excile darkness has sent them

In melancholy we dwell yet we can't cry
In the hands of helping hands our direction lies
Be it consistent inconsistent
Who are we to complain?
As choices have left us without no choice

In confusion, voices have dumped us into
Leaving us to mix identities
Oh God! Heaven-earth maker!
Yesterday we yawn for a hopeful tomorrow
Today, we mourn a wasted yesterday

Why are we blind?
Could it be our sins?
Darkness, for once exit my world
Want to see my hard labour fruits again
My fruits have grown up to be damsel
For once exit my world
To say I love you to their sights
And not to their voices

Cruel darkness
Mute to my pleads...........

© 2016
Title- Missing Sight

Specially dedicated to the blinds deeply from my heart...

Akinlabi Ololade by name, a young Nigerian graduate, graduated from OAU where I studied Estate Management, I love using words in unique ways which has prompted me to write poems to teach moral...
Many of my works have been published online, including an international magazine, Youthshades, am also one of the nominees for Nigeria Writers Award (2016), poetry category


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