5 Mistakes to avoid as an online marketer/ business owner.

It has always been my thought that online business/ marketing is the cheapest and easiest way to run a successful business but believe me, it's way more than what my thought was. When I started my online business, I got to realize that it requires a huge effort and consistency. There are lot of things (mistakes) online marketers do that they'd never knew it's posing huge risk of loss on their business. In order to make your online business a smashing success, do avoid these mistakes.

1. Wrong Target
If you want to be a successful online marketer you would have to know who your customers are, what category of people can buy your products, what you are selling,etc. Facebook and Instagram are mostly used for social media marketing. However, if you target right, your online business is on "a booming level". Gender, age, social status, educational background ( as the case may be), environment, etc should all be considered when you want to do your social media promotion or advert.

2. Ignoring Customer Service
For every businesses, good customer service is an important factor. For your online service you need the highest customer service because almost all your business transactions happen online, therefore, ignoring customer service will pose more harm than good to your business. You would need to respond to customers questions and queries instantly, take customers privacy seriously, tone down technical jargon, be human, handle common questions about your business, etc.

3. Overestimation of demand
you start your online business, you need to find out how the demand is for your products. Do not ignore the fact that there are products people want and products people need. There is a difference between what people want and what they need. Do not over estimate demand because it is a huge mistake most online and offline marketers/ business owners make.

4. Ignoring competition
There is no business free of competition. Know who your competitors are, know what they are doing, learn more about your products and keep building yourself. Ignoring competition is a very fatal mistake. Imagine your competitors selling same products at a lower price. People tend to go for something they are extremely okay with. Therefore, know what your competitors are doing and strive to do more better. However, I'm not saying because a product or strategy has worked for one business it will work for you. Do have a healthy degree of skepticism about everything.

5. Not engaging your customers

Engaging your customers on social media can help to build your brand and take your business to the next level. Learn how to engage your customers, focus on providing values, be consistent, listen to your customers, show your brands personality, etc. Avoid the mistake of not engaging your customers if you want a successful business.

There are huge number of mistakes online business owners/marketer make which really affect their business in a negative way. You can help someone today as I've done by posting in the comment section other mistakes you feel online marketers are making.

I hope I did help someone with this article.

By: Eyinade Hephzibah

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